Monday, May 12, 2008

Gaining perspective with time.

Things are looking up. Looks like the ex will get the treatment she needs to treat her depression. I was looking up the drugs she was on. Things for severe depression and panic attacks. And from the sounds of it she was getting zero counseling. Some of the meds stated on WEBMD that they should not be used over a long period or the symptoms would come back worse that before. It was very scary.

I'm still thinking about my afternoon with my friends on Saturday and how we were all able to share stories of similar events in everyone life. It was so cleansing. I feel very lucky to have the friends that I have. Okay ... now I feel like I am getting emotional so I'll stop there.

I spent some extra time with Chris. He was a big help on the boat and with out him I would never have gotten the courage to take the boat out. I'm becoming a real 'fraidy cat. Turned out to be just the way to end the weekend.

I also took the opportunity to talk about Coleen. Chris once once had a thing for her and she had to shut him down. I wanted to hear his slant on that. I guess she can be thoughtless when she's been having wine. I confessed to him that I like her a little more than might be good for me and if she ever did stop seeing Mark .... I kind of let that hang. Chris said what ever feelings he had for her are way in the past. I guess that was what I was looking for... although he also did try to give me a word of caution. Like I'll ever listen to that advice.

We were sailing around when I got a call from Coleen and I guess I got a dose of what Chris means as she wanted me to be sure to remind Chris that this was not a date so he doesn't get the wrong idea. That goes back to when Coleen and Chris met and he wanted her to kiss him and she needed to remind him that she was not with him on a date. This had to be about 3 years ago too. And that is a phrase I half expect she will use for me at some point down the road.

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