Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What is the opposite of Indian Summer?

Today is Tuesday and I made it into work. I have this urge to take a day. I only have 8 more working days before I get a week off to relax and take care of some home project I'd like to get done. Feels like forever before it gets here.
My laptop at home is broken. Probably not going to be noticeable from here since I never seem to use it on weekends. But I tried to use it and it seems like it is dead. I'm hoping it's just the power cord and I'll replace that and hope for the best. It may also be the batter has reached the end of it's life but that seems less likely. I don't get any indications from plugging it in that it's charging. I hope it is okay. I can afford to replace it but I can't deal with getting all the software working again.
Not much else going on. Last night I stopped in to see Lisa at her new place. Still not moved yet but like every night she is getting things ready. It seems like she is about done. Move in day will either be this weekend or next weekend. She is delaying most out of concern for her cat. At least that is what she is saying. I also think she just doesn't want to leave C just yet. He was there last night putting up her window treatments. My visit was very brief. I had errands to run and didn't want to intrude.
I had a Mother's Day card that I thought I might give to my sister but never did. I also though Carolyn might like it but when Mother's Day came and went I realized I still had the card. So I added birthday wishes to it and mailed it to Carolyn. Even though it's late for both I have a hope she will like the thought.
There is this little voice in my head that tells me Carolyn is still my best chance for romance. That chance is small. Very small.
The weather has been very cold and rainy. Not even close to what you might expect for June. Hopefully that changes soon. I was coming home last night and as I was walking to my door I got this sensation that is was October. I almost expect to see the leaces on the trees start to change. I guess you could almost call it Indian Winter.

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