Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Weekend stuff

It's Veteran's Day. I still have work. Oh, well. At least I have a job. It's a quiet day. A lot of people are out, even in my office. I have so much time off in the bank I should have taken today off too. But I'm here. Doing what I always do.

I made it through the weekend. Things are all the same. Friday night I went to the bar. Before I got there I called Coleen and she was having dinner at Mark's. I was a little surprised since all I ever hear about anymore is how she doesn't want to see him anymore. So in my mind I'm thinking "thank God I haven't allowed myself to get too close." I can lie even to me. So I put my cell in my jacket and hung out at the bar with my friends. Janet and Jami were there and they hadn't seen the Halloween pictures. It was nice but nothing special. Then Coleen came in. No Mark. She said she had been trying to call me but since I had put my phone in my jacket I missed it. She said she has gone to see her Aunt from Connecticut who was on LI visiting cousins. She wants go go for a weekend there to visit and she looked at me and said, "why done we both go this weekend?" I told her I have Friday plans and I was shocked to see she was very disappointed. She said she really needs to get away because everything from home, to work, to her failing relationship are making her feel like she is suffocating. I just said, "sorry."

She pretty much didn't want to talk to me after that. Especially when I told her the plans were to go out to an event that was with Roberta and Janet. I also got pulled aside by Roberta who had just arrived. Roberta and Coleen are now not even saying hello to each other. I'm trying to stay clear of this but that means when I am talking to one I can't talk to the other. In fact, it seems like whoever I talk to the other gets mad. Yes, it's like that. Coleen didn't stay very long and since I was talking to Roberta she left without saying goodbye to me.

I was going to call Coleen as she left but I figured I should just let her be. I waited until Saturday morning then called her. I told her I felt very bad about the night before and much it meant to me that we could make plans and I'd like to try to find a way to plan more. I don't know if I expressed myself right but she was okay after that. I also found out her dinner the night before with Mark wasn't so great. I never found out what the details were but he didn't call her for the rest of the weekend. We got together later in the day and had dinner together. I was surprised to find out there was a wake on Sunday that we were both going to. After dinner we ended our time together. I was home fairly early.

On Sunday Coleen called me about coming over early and hanging out before changing for the wake. My plan was to go straight to the wake from home but she wanted my to come by so we could go together. So I went there early and enjoyed her company for a while before we headed there. It suddenly occurred to me that we had spent almost the entire weekend together. Before you too excited about the possibilities, she had tried to call Mark just after the wake and she couldn't get through to even leave a voice-mail message. It was as if her phone had been blocked.

As we left the wake from the car I saw Janet and Roberta drive in. I called and told them we were stopping off at the bar and some 30 minutes later they came in too. Roberta was, as always, right there with the comments.... "so you and Coleen are dating now?" I don't handle these things well but I just said no but she is my ride. And Coleen had invited me along.

Coleen offered to make dinner and as always I can't refuse. She cooked some really delicious salmon. It felt strangely relationship-ish. Her mom and dad were home - yes she lives with them. I ended the night with just a feeling of closeness. I said I would call her at work, which I did. She said she was taking 2 days off next week. I immediately put in for those days although I haven't told her yet. I'll wait and see if we can make plans but I have this feeling it all has to do with what Mark decides.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I'm on the edge of my seat! Jeeze, it sure seems like things are headed in the right direction, as always, good luck!