Monday, December 3, 2007

I just realized it's a new day

All my days are starting to blend together. Still a little down from my cold but definately on the mend. I must get out and do laundry tomorrow. I'm still working from home til Wednesday.

My day started with an email from Roberta. She wants to plan next week already and so do I. But I'm also considering if it's such a good idea. I know we are all being just friends and I should just not have hopes for more but it's hard to just try to accept things as they are and instead of how I wish they would be. I keep looking for any sign of affection when I know it's already way past the time that could ever happen without it feeling just really stupid. It's the kind of thing that can't just happen any more. It would feel forced unless there was a long dicussion and I've never been able to work up that conversation and have it end well.

I've been thinking about my discussion with Mike PC about his little "drive-by" of Reberta's house. Is it obsessive behavior? Maybe a little. But I've heard worse horror stories than that and maybe even found myself in the midst of similar acts. But never with someone who so obviously is not interested in me. And who knows what that first step is to being a full blown stalker. It all gets creepier and creepier. So I'm not second guessing myself for calling in on it even if he wants to make everyone believe it was simply a wrong turn that brought him to the house. He needed to know what we were thinking. Now let's see what happens next.  

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