Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I keep thinking about Saturday night. I haven't really told anyone about how I had dinner with Coleen and Mark and saw how they interact. I had myself pretty much believing that I shouldn't keep thinking I can have what I want. I spent too much time on sunday looking at my phone wanting to ring. Yesterday I had pretty much settled into the idea that I need a reality check and stop fantasizing. I put my phone away early last night.

So this morning I look at my phone and what do you think I see... a message from 8:30 Monday night. From Coleen. She was thinking about me. She must have been. So even though it was 12 hours since she sent the message I sent one back. I figured she must be at work and maybe she would like to get a message to start the day. We ended up having a real conversation on the phone. She really wanted to talk to me.

My plans for this evening was to be up that way so I said let's meet for a drink at the bar at 5:30. She wasn't sure but I have a feeling she will. And you know what... I will blow off what ever I need to to make it more. Let's see if I can change the some-old-thing just once in my life.


Anonymous said...

I've started reading your journal from the first entry (not finished yet, but I'm through June) Am I understanding this right?...you live closely to people you went to high school with?? If so, you're very fortunate. The neighborhood bar and all sounds good. I moved out of state (MA) to NH and though I keep in touch with friends I grew up with I only see them a couple times a year.  Good luck with Colleen, sounds like there's something going on there. Some people I guess are afraid to get serious with a friend thinking it could ruin the friendship if the romance doesn't work out, but I'm sure you already know that. Well good luck! I hope it all goes as you want.

Anonymous said...

go mike go!!!! go team you!!!!

i feel like i am about in a similar place--- like something is ALMOST about to happen if i just try to do something different a little harder.