Saturday, July 2, 2011


It's Saturday morning and I've just a few minutes to post. I just thought I would update on events. I couldn't get Carolyn to come out last night. At least she called me so that I wasn't hanging next to the phone. I've pretty much lost that warm and fuzzy feeling about her. So I went out alone and still had fun. There was classic soul music playing in the Village Downtown and there was much dancing. I saw Janet and Roberta there along with my brother Brian and his wife Sue. I also saw Coleen there but never really talked to her.
I'm not sure what today will bring but I'll be heading out in a few minutes and see what the day brings. I think I'll carry my camera and take pictures


Anonymous said...

hey long time no talk... Follow me on here :) I will get around to reading your journal. I'm back now :) hope you been doing ok

Mikeg5162000 said...

Hi Krissy. Good to see you are still around. I looked like you were gone. Hope all is well.