While backing my boat into the slip afterwards I ran over some rope and it caught in the propeller. I still haven't gotten it out and I still don't know if there is any real damage. I hope not because if there is I am not sure how I'll pay for that. I don't think it will be too bad. I will find out soon enough.
Meanwhile I spent last evening relaxing a bit while at the dock. I did not wee anyone interesting come down so after the sun set I found my sister and niece watching a ball game that Kate's (the niece) was playing in. Turned out to be a really good game. I stayed for the end even though Maryliz (the sister) and Kate left after about half the game.
It was a nice night to be outside. It was a little buggy as there was not even a hint of a breeze. But it was bearable. The game didn't end until almost midnight. I need to do more things like that. I going to try and not spend any more time in a bar unless it's raining. I do notice I spend so much less money as I do other things.
I had thought I would call Carolyn last night but never got around to it. Tonight is Wednesday, which is Carolyn's night for dance class. I had suggested that she visit the boat after class since it's on the way home and she did do that last week. I was think I should send her a reminder but I am hesitating. I would really prefer to just call her and ask her out directly but I'm looking like i can't fit that into my budget at the moment. It looks like I have less that $60 to make it until my next payday which is not until a week from Friday. I do have a credit card that I can use but I'm trying not to. So I am biding my time hoping I can maintain things for the next week or so. If something happens it will have to do it in a way that won't put a strain on my financial crisis.
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