Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Dad is dying

My next post will be written from Florida. I am booked on a flight at 4 PM tomorrow. My dad was admitted to a hospice care facility yesterday and I see no reason not to go as soon as possible. I don't know what to expect or even if he will still be able to communicate, but I can at least go and hold his hand.

I've been fortunate to be able to spend time with him over the last several years. We had many heart to heart talks. When ever I've left it's been very emotional. He very much knows that I love him.

Finding a co-op was more his doing than mine and I had hoped he would be here for when I get one. We had been having regular conversations about it and now that I am about to make a deal on one I'm not even sure he knows. When I go see him I would like it if he can just say "good".

He's meant so much to me. He has been my mentor, my guide, my friend and my dad. Whatever I am both good and bad is because of him.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

You will always, always have those memories and he is a part of you forever. Thinking of you ~ Cindy