Saturday I got up really early... like going-to-work early. I had all my errands done by 9 o'clock. I also did some work on the BOAT association. I knew i needed to take care of some other things too so I headed over to the marina and started getting things done on the boat. It is almost warm enough to get the boat ready for spring but I think i still need to wait a couple of weekends. I should have a task list for each weekend I think.
I also stopped in at my sister's to see her kids who just reurned from school for Easter break. I still don't know what the plan is for Easter because the kids may need to head back for school early and we may do the family thing on Saturday. I finally left there and guess what... it was time for happy hour!
So I headed for the bar and I met Jami in the parking lot and we went in together. It was just us for an hour. Eventually the rest of the regulars stopped in including Janet, but no Roberta or Coleen. I had determined to no be there late so I only had $20 to start the night. I still managed to stay until past 10.
I had fun, but it was a basic Saturday night. Barely anything out of the ordinary. But we made plans for the St Patty's Day parade on Sunday. I got home early and went to bed.
Sunday morning I couldn't sleep so I got up and showered and made myself a nice breakfast. I had the Sunday morning paper and relaxed. But I was raring to go by 11 so I headed for Janet's before noon. The parade didn't start until 1 o'clock so we chatted in her living room for 20 minutes and took her car into the village for the paraade. Guess where they hace the parade? My favorite bar.
Here are Judy, Roberta and Janet in front of JD Gates.
The parade was fun although there were no balloons...

When the parade ended we went inside for some free corned beef and cabbage.

So I was having a great day. It was really how I'd always liked my St Patty's day should be. A little cold but not snowy or wet. So after the parade ended and we were inside I turn around and who do I see ...Coleen... and no boyfriend.
That's Coleen, Janet, Judy and Roberta.
Coleen first came over and said hello and I chatted with her but she seemed so queiet and withdrawn. She just looked a little off. There was the usual "where's Mark" question... who was home and didn't come out because he didn't feel like it. I got the sense that Coleen got tired of sitting around. I know I was glad to see her but she seemed tense. I told her she seemed a little out of it but she just shrugged... so I made conversation and then we both mingled with other people. I know I'm rambling here but I'm trying to remember things as I am writing. Over the rest of the next hour or so I just would keep checking her out while we both talked to other people. I know it didn't go unnoticed either. I could see her loosen up and relax. What ever was bothering her when she arrived seemed to be okay now. She would catch me looking and make eye contact and always smile and wave. I wonder if she ever checks me out from across the room too?
So towards the end of the day/evening she came over and sat down next to me and then we had a nice moment... She wanted to do a shot... I rarely do shots since my drive home is some distance away but when Coleen wants a shot Mike will do a shot. We actiually ended up doing 2. I had tequila and Coleen had flavord absolut. I mentions maybe I could have a lemondrop... that's vodka, sugar and a lemon wedge... thats when Coleen told the story of how while she was married she was sharing lemondrops with her husband and spontainously stripped naked and jumped into a motel pool... with people watching. She said her husband ran after her and wrapped her in a towel. I never would have guessed that Coleen could be this kind of crazy. I found it to be a bit of a turn on.
Then Janet needed to go home and I had come in her car so either I needed to go then or I would be walking. I didn't want this moment to end so I told Janet I'd be fine and then Roberta said she would give me a lift. So I think I kind of blew Janet off although I didn't get a sense that it was even like that.
So I continued to talk to Coleen for another drink before she needed to head out to dinner with Mark. I finished mine and Roberta said she needed to go so we headed for her car. As we pullen up to my car she said out of nowhere she doesn't see Coleen staying with Mark. That's when I confessed to her that I would like to see Coleen but she seems happy with Mark but she also seems to flirt with me. I asked Roberta if she sees that too.... she said definately. So it isn't just me. So of course we get into this conversation as I have to go... she said she may call me later but she never did,. Too bad because there is still more....
So I get in my car and while on the way home I get a text message from Coleen. She says that when she got to Mark's he immediately started to vacuum. Now keep in mind I'm driving. I just responded with "Why?" Then said "Call me". By the time she did I had already arrived at home. She was hoping I was still at the bar. I couldn't figure out where she was going with this but I was hoping she and Mark were arguing and she wanted to get away. I was wrong... at least as far as what happened next made me think I was. She called me and asked if I'd like to meet her and Mark for dinner.... but lucky I was home so it didn't seem like a good isea for me to come all the way back.
So as near as I can tell one of these 2 scenarios were playing out.... Coleen just extended me an invite to dinner because she was just being nice and Mark was okay with that. Or, when she got there, Mark was upset that she was late and they had a moment of tension which is when she sent me a text and then they got over it so to cover herself she made a half hearted effort to invite me for dinner know I was home and would probably say no.
There is my weekend... whew.