Saturday night was festive. There was a costume party and the entire group went. The pictures kind of tell the story. I went as Jonas Grumby a/k/a The Skipper from Gilligan's Island. It must have been okay as I was recognized. There were pirates everywhere. Not much originality there. Lisa tried to be Anna Nicole. She kind of pulled it off.
Lisa's guy Carmine came as a masked cowboy... maybe the Lone Ranger? There was a band and dancing but for some reason Carmine doesn't dance. Lisa says he's a little shy.
It was a fun night although Mike (Prince Charles look-alike) told Lisa not to break my heart. She told me about that on Sunday and it's the second time he's said that to her. I know he is only trying to help I wish he could mind his p's and q's. I also think I've become a topic on conversation more than I would perfer. It's the second time Mike has said something like that to Lisa and now I guess I will try to tell him to not interfere with my relationship with Lisa.
It was a crazy night. There is a picture of this girl I kind of had my eye on all night. Today I find out her name is Shannon. Did I go over and say hello on Saturday ... no. Why not? I wish I knew the answer but it's been so long since I've just walked up to someone now I've really got a defeatist attitude.
I love your costume!! All you needed was a "little buddy"
I think you should have said hello to this Shannon person. It's not big deal if you like her or think you like her and just want to say hi and introduce's enlarging your circle of friends. What is this defeatist attitude? Nothing to fear, Jonas Grumby! You're the skipper!
the skipper-- great costume!
Thanks Marissa - feels good to know someone reads these things. Of course I should have gone up to her and said hello. I was so surprised my friends knew her name. I guess I need to stop waiting for my friends to introduce me to someone.
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