It's been a long time since I've added anything to this. I decided that I wanted to only add entries that are positive. I guess I was getting so down that for a month I didn't have much to add I just let this go. Well, I'm back with a shiny new attitude. I no longer have any expectations and I take the future as it comes. I hope for the best and prepare for the worst. In the coming weeks I will try to tell you about my last year in retrospect and not have too many spelling errors.
I find it diffecult to believe anyone actually reads this on a regular basis so if you do read it I could use a comment so I can draw some inspiration.
I just discovered your journal - and I've got to tell you - I'm at a loss to figure out how you can be alone! You seem to have it all together - think the women where you live must not know what they want!
Best Wishes and hugs from Minnesota1
Mike, I'm glad you commented on my journal! It's nice to know I still have a few readers out there....and that I didn't scare them away with all my negativity. Like you, that same negativity paralyzed my ability to update. I realized that anyone can just X out if they don't like it. It's just hard when the bad outweighs the good so often. Anyway. Let's both keep reading.
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