The parade was marching bands and classic cars and lots of firemen. But every vet that came by was saluted by the man in uniform. I guess it isn't just another day off and BBQ for everyone.
I also got a nice picture of Janet. She always hates when I take her picture but I think I got a good one this time. She was showing off her vacation tan as she had only returned from Cancun on Saturday.

The rest of my weekend was spent doing the things I need to do to have a good boating season. Got the water tanks filled, checked the engine, started the refridgerator and mostly just got think cleaned and put stuff where it goes. Probably my hardest job was getting the dock lines straightened out. I had to pretty much re-do all the lines and I'm still not confident I am finished. It's always a work in progress at the beginning but when I am done I can just drop the lines and go.
For some reason Coleen is calling and texting me again. It started on Saturday just before the fireworks. I don't want to start thinking about her to much anymore. I need to make sure I can still do my own thing and not wait around to make plans for her. I made sure not to formally invite anyone down to the boat for the annual fireworks at the park. except Lisa and her boyfriend. She had said she would just be home and barbeque. So at dinner time I gave Chris a call and he came down. We had some chicken that I'd bought and then an hour prior to sunset Lisa showed up with bf Carmine and her sister and nephew. So it went from nobody to a crowd in no time. Then I got calls from my 2 brothers and my sister. They were all going to be in the park but since I now had guests I was not there. I did go over and say hello. Then out of nowhere i get the Coleen text. If she wanted an invite she needed to do it alot sooner than that. I just told her I'd see her the next day.
I got her text at 9 on Sunday. I guess it's all about just having me to talk to. For the most part the rest of my weekend was quiet. Lots of work to do.
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