His situation is rather unique. He was married and divorced more than 20 years ago. About 13 years ago he met the mother of his child, Marianna, who is now 12. They were never married but he has been engaged to her not once but twice. That was more than 3 years ago but he still loves her and had hopes of making a life together. That all came apart for him this summer. Seems the woman had indicated to him that they could be a couple but then 2 months later she started seeing someone else. This has him reeling. So we have been both looking for something new while we both lament the loss of what we really wanted.
Chris was debating whether to go to since he doesn't want to see the mom. I told him he should go and be his daughter's dad and not let his hurt prevent him from sharing the moment with his daughter. Last thing he said was he didn't think he could do it. So long story short, he called me to say thanks for convincing him to go. He said it was a great moment as he got to make eye contact with Marianna while she performed. Afterwards she found him and gave him the biggest hug. Hearing this almost made me cry. Twinge of jealousy, but also I was glad for him.
So that all worked out. Now a little about me. Chris was able to spot the ex, who was there with her mom and no sign of the new boyfriend, which was Chris' biggest fear. He took my advice and rose above it. I guess I get points for being a good friend. Why do I have such good friend skills but no ability to make a girl see me romantically? Being a good person doesn't seem to count for anything.
I can't help but think I spend too much time with women who see me as a friend and I should look to be with male friends so I can look more available. At least that's what I'll try for the next while.
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