I had the best Easter I can remember in a long time. I ran my race and finished way ahead of my goal. I saw Coleen - that's her in the picture - before I headed off to see the family at my sister's. I got to see Coleen a lot over the weekend but that came with the "we are just friends" talk so I'm just pleased, not overjoyed. It was good to see her though as you can see she doesn't get all fancy for Easter. We were talking via text back and forth and I wished I could have stayed with her. But she doesn't look to me for long term plans so everything has to be spontaneous. At least until I get tired of that. Friday night I was having a conversation with a mutual friend Dave and he mentioned about how Coleen has said in the past that there are no good men around. I asked if my name had ever come up to which he said he has asked her "What about Mike?" and he said her response was that she doesn't feel like that with me. While it's not something I didn't already know it was a bitter pill to swallow. She now gets lumped in with the other women who I've been obsessed with that I could never get past the friendship zone. Lisa, Janet, Jenny, Lee, Winnie, Eileen ... geez the list is endless.
I was supposed to stop in at Janet's house at some point on Easter but just headed home instead. It was already 8:30 so I figured I should call it a night. I knew if I called I would have gone so I didn't even do that. I probably should have since she asked me about it yesterday.
Things are proceeding according to plan with my application for a mortgage. I expect to have the approval letter by the end of the week and then I can set up my meeting with the co-op board. Once I complete that I can get a closing date. Meanwhile the rate keeps rising. I can't wait to get this done.
So my 3K race was great. I may have a picture soon as Lisa has them but hasn't uploaded them to me. She did great ... 34 minutes and change. I finished in just a shade under 37 minutes... nowhere near the front but well ahead of the goal of 40 minutes. We've been covering that distance regularly at the gym and even on the street, but it was exciting to run in a race where we had to beat a clock.
The rest of my week is progressing day by day ... there are no real plans except I will go to see the Mets play on Wednesday. Maybe take some pictures I can post.
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