Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tough times

So on top of being flat broke since Saturday our new payroll system failed and we didn't get paid on time. I got the money direct deposited into my account this morning but it was supposed to be there yesterday. So I couldn't do any errands yesterday and I still owe my landlord half the month's rent. This after we last got paid 2 Friday's ago and that was a day late, which they said was due to the holiday. I knew that was a load of crap. We changed from getting paid every Thursday to what is now on the 15th and last day of the month. That means I had to stretch my last weekly pay an extra 10 days. So I'm a little frustrated about that .

Lisa has been riding my ass all week. Seems Carmine has gone away on a vacation with out her and she wanted to get together on Friday. I initially said how about Thursday so I could hang out at the bar on Friday. So now she is ranting about how I've kicked her to the curb for my other friends and why can't I give up one night of the "same old thing" to be with her. I said I was sorry and we could go out on Friday but she won't let it go. It's as if she wants me to get mad and have some kind of big disagreement. All this is in text messages which I find very difficult to express how unreasonable I think she is being right now. Part of me really is shocked that I am that important to her. Hopefully we can find a way to work through this and still let us be friends. It has kept me awake the last 2 nights.  


Anonymous said...

Well sounds like she is more upset about Carmine going w/o her. It is tough to hold friendships together and the green eyed monster does rear its ugly head from time to time. Hope things work out for you and the paycheck gets in the bank soon.

Anonymous said...

One age rule I learned a long time ago: Is good friends have to agree to disagree and let by-gones be, at least in theory. Then again you don't need someone preaching to the choir about who you can hang out with and when. Once you give in to that type of thinking you will be on guard to trying to figure out if your doing the right thing over and over again. Now if it were a little more serious than just friends , you might have to give a little more. As for the job front, perhaps sit down with your boss and explain how the current problems with your check affect you. Sometimes they see figures and not human beings, that would be a gentle reminder "someone needs the money they worked for". Of course as always this is just my take on what I read. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear you have been having some bad days. You and her are friends so I believe you 2 will make up and everything will ok. I been doing so much better now that I have been ignoring my sister and boyfriend. Wow so much stress and drama gone. IT's amazing how much things have calmed down since I havn't heard from them. Well, I hope your in good spirts. Talk to later!

Anonymous said...

I almost forgot I added some things to my art journal if you want to check it out.

Anonymous said...

i have been on the 15th/ 30th system for 5 years and still havent gotten used to it and agree that it sucks.

do you ever feel like the lisa chick is like your version of the doug-- they call you when nothing better is on the horizon-- to me it seems like she is using you as a fall back plan in case the thing with carmine doesnt work out.  i mean yeah hang out with her and be buds and all that, but continue working the other options (which i need to find some more of myself)

i can feel for the nephew situation-- from my own experience sometimes going it on your own is the best thing you can do to recover from a huge loss.  i hope it works out for him.