Thursday, January 3, 2008

It's a quiet week so far

As I get farther into the week I keep wondering if this year will be different or more of the same. There are changes from last year no doubt. This time last year I was still wondering if Lisa would ever be an option, and still hoping I could somehow find love in the eyes of Janet or Roberta. Now I don't even give that a thought. Not even Lisa gives me pause. Unless someone starts looking at me different I'm just enjoying the bonds of friendship from wherever that comes from.

At least I don't feel unlovable. From what I'm told Jami likes me that way, but she's just not what I think I want. I guess I'll know it when I see it but for now I'm keeping my distance. And, of course, Coleen is Jami's close friend.

I returned to the office on Wednesday and someone left me a homemade music CD and a note without a name. It perplexed me all morning where it could have come from. Songs I'd never heard of with provocative titles. One was called "The Itch". Finally just before lunch someone came by and told me it was from Olga - who was fired from here 5 years ago. We also saw each other for a while after that and we even slept together once. We didn't have sex though mostly because I got too drunk. Not that we didn't try. Since then she became mean and I stopped talking to her. I haven't seen her in 4 years and only spoke to her once in the last 2 and she hung up on me. Why would she be sending me a present? I won't call her. But still... this little voice says I should do something.

Anyways ... more pictures...


I had a dance with Jami. She sticks her tongue out.

Janet, Roberta and Jami

I don't know who this is but she was asking Roberta about me. Of course Roberta doesn't mention that until the next day. I didn't even talk to her. I thought she was there with a date.


Anonymous said...

best of luck in the new year--- looks like you had a great time-- if wanting to win all the time ( my argumentative nature) makes me codependent, so be 36 i am not about to stop fighting or behaving, i am just gonna try to pick my battles a little more wisely (and get better at pinching myself when i should keep my mouth shut)

cheers in the new year!!!!  

Anonymous said...

should read stop fighting and start behaving--- i need to add 'improve use of punctuation and capitalization and proofreading skills to my list of resolutions
