Thursday, November 1, 2007

No entry yesterday

Meet The Beatles! cover

Yes - Meet the Beatles. The american album. And not the CD either. I still have a vinyl copy and a turntable. Hearing "I Want To Hold You Hand" as the first song. Which is how it should aways be.

Last night I shared a bottle of wine with Lisa. Then we had some vodka tonics. Makes me realize how bad we really are for each other. I'd probably dead or in detox in a year if we lived together. Her too. I wake up this morning ... seperate rooms again... and in the bathroom I see aspirin spilled on the floor. Lisa trying to cure a hangover at 3 a.m. At least I was asleep by 10.

I also had the craziest dream last night. I was playing softball and was in leftfield. Mike Grittani and Rich Tanner were playing too. I kept misplaying the ball then not being able to throw it. Guys running around the bases and me not being able to make a play. Woke up very frustrated. I guess it's better than the panic attacks I was getting a year ago.

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