Sunday, March 29, 2009
A Social weekend.
Friday night I met Janet at out favorite Italian restaurant and while there I bumped into separately, my brother Brian with my sister-in-law Sue and her sister Marie who is visiting from Florida, and my cousin Bernadette, her daughter Erin and Erin's boyfriend George. So what might have been a quiet evening turned into a social even where I was bouncing from one table to the next. Janet was also see people she knew so we were both off on our own. As always she seemed fine with it. It was a fun night until the check came. They raised the price of a glass of wine from $5 to $7 which for us is a pretty big bump. And this after both Janet and I said we didn't want to spend too much. Oh well, at least it was a fun night out even if I spent $20 more than I intended.
Before leaving Bernadette and I were talking about how we both have pictures from Florida to share and my goal was to get there in the afternoon on Saturday. But with laundry not getting done til late by the time I got around to calling she had long gone out so I popped into the bar and that turned into a social event. I first arrive and right away I saw a familiar car in the lot. Coleen was there. I never heard back from her all week so I at first thought it would be nice to see her again. Jami was also there and as soon as I saw her she said she had just spoken to Janet who was on her way. So right away I knew there would be lots of people to talk to. Seemed like everyone was there except for Roberta, who said she needed to save some money and wasn't coming out. I guess we all seem to be having the same issues although I think there may be more to it than that.
There was an empty seat next to Coleen so I grabbed it and engaged in what ever topics of conversation came up. She seemed a little tense at first. Probably my lack of attention was getting to her but it was never discussed. After a while she relaxed and we talked. I was somewhat dismayed to find out she had Sunday plans to see Mark. This back and forth stuff just confirms to me that I am doing the right thing by avoiding her a little even though I miss being around her terribly. And I could feel myself wanting that while i was there. Lucky Janet engaged me in conversation that kept me from paying all my focus on that one thing. Still it was a fun evening with no feeling of getting too involved. I think it was because Roberta wasn't there. That helped Coleen relax and she stayed way longer than she had probably intended.
I'm starting to wonder if Roberta is really causing all the tension. She see things so black and white and can't seem to just let things be. It's making me wonder if I want Roberta to be that important to me. I just don't want her to be judgemental of everyone and every thing.
Janet and I went to see some other friends at another place and then I went home. Leaving Coleen behind. I did say goodbye and while I'd really like to call her today I won't. We will see what the week brings.
That's it for now.
Friday, March 27, 2009
This is my new shelving that I put together. The TV is flanked by my CD collection. I also purchased new lamps and side tables. New slipcovers for the couches. So far the cat has not shown the urge to scratch any of it. I've also been using blankets on the arms which had always been his favorite place to scratch.
So I was sitting back last night looking around at the room and I really like what I've done. I wish I had painted though. But that's just too much to do for now. Maybe next year I'll tackle that.
So who could I invite for one of my home cooked dinners? I'd really like it to be Coleen but I keep hear this little voice in my head saying I need to put her behind me. Lisa wants to have dinner but since she has a boyfriend she is always got plans. We talk every day, but we never do anything together anymore. I would love to get Janet and Roberta to join me either together or separately. But they are the ones that refuse to leave their own neighborhood.
At least I get to enjoy my new house. I'll probably be home by myself so I'll make the best of it. Just not very exciting compared to last year.
Monday, March 23, 2009
I did spend a lot of my time these last few months staying away and I might need to do that again. I'm weak and if I see her I just need to be near her so my best option is to not be in those situations. Which means I may need to not go to the bar any more.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
So anyway...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
My Saturday Adventure

It was a thrill to see him out in the bay. He didn't leave right away, but swam around close to shore for 10 minutes or so. The person in charge explained that one of the seals from an earlier release has been staying in the area for weeks before migrating north.

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009