I had a very quiet Valentines. Sent no flowers and received no cards. I touch no one and no one touches me.... I am a rock - I am an island.... (Paul Simon song).
So I am a little sad but I also realize I am better off than I would be if I was with the wrong person. I did get a phone call from Lisa as she was arriving back at her house. She told me she got something and said she would call back but never did. Don't know who gave her a gift. Wanted to know at first but now trying to just put it out of my head and move on.
I did really have an urge to reach out to Janet but when I sent her an email all she had to say was she had a busy day. So my sense of no romance between us is still all I feel. So I left her alone and that made me feel even more alone. No one that I could even call. So now it's Wednesday night and I should be over it. You would think.