Lisa and I arrived at the party togther. The party was taking place on a boat in Port Washington. From the parking lot we could see the light show Joe had set up making it very easy to find where the party was. We got on the boat and I could see only the people who had gone on the trip upstate from 2 weeks before and only Lisa was new to the group. I introduced her to all the people she didn’t know. I could see right away this was already turning into a typical party with scuba pictures. The PC was set up and they were all quietly looking at pictures of God knows what. I immediately looked at Lisa and said if we can’t get this going we would not stay long.
To my pleasant surprise Janet arrived with her friend Suzy in tow only minutes after we got there. I had already put a CD in the player but still had the volume down a little. I gave all the introductions of Janet and Suzy and Joe, like the good host he is, imbraced their arrival despite having told me no extra guests and made sure everyone had drinks. I didn’t wait long before I kicked up the volume and got Lisa dancing soon to be joined by everyone else. We went crazy… everybody loved my music and for once it was a great party.
I spent some time with Janet and Suzy, danced a lot with Lisa but kept my eye on Janet. It was very overwhelming having two girls there that I really wanted to date but neither of them really likes me that way. I keep thinking that I should have made up my mind that I was going to make out with Lisa because looking back I think I could have. We had a moment when she was eating a pepperoni and said to me “I hope my breath isn’t bad from this.” I said I’ll check and tried to make a pass at her. She at first backed away… but then changed her mind and gave me a very sensual lips only kiss. Stupid me decided she wasn’t that interested, but actually I had taken her off guard and now she was ready for it but I backed off. Once again not assertive. Thinking way too much. I was still holding out hope that Janet would like me. I am such a mess. I can’t seem to get the vibe I needed. That’s all I needed was a certain look. Today I am looking back and thinking how easy it could have been to have gotten swept up in the moment and taken Lisa to a quiet spot. It could have happened. It should have happened. But once again I let her dictate my actions.
Ten minutes later I realized that Lisa was fading fast. I knew if I let her sit she would be asleep and Janet said she and Suzy were looking to head home. It was late ... a good four hours had past since out arrival. I took my cue from that and also grabbed my coat. We had all had a great time even if I couldn’t get it to turn sexual. At least I don't feel like I should need to apologize to anyone.